Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Lo NINE month

Lo NINE months

14.1 lb

She weighs the exact same as 6 mo. I told the dr that Beck did the exact same thing (he actually lost 1/2 lb) from 6-9 mo and that Blanke said it's possible my other children will have the same pattern. This seemed to satisfy the dr and he suggested that I bring her back in a month for a weight check (same thing we did with Beck) and hopefully she'll have gained weight. No worries.

I started feeding her solids this month. Earlier than I had anticipated bc she keeps waking up an hour earlier than she should so I thought maybe she was hungry (before I knew she hadn't gained weight). I feed her a soft boiled egg yolk or avacado once a day. Then started feeding both a day. And now in the fourth week (she's 10 months old now) I've added banana to her avacado. She has issues with pooping. She screams every time. So I'm not sure if it's the newness of solid poop scaring her or that it's too solid and actually hurting her. So I added prune juice to her diet. It has slowed down her amount of poops, that or she's holding it in, still trying to figure it out. And it's made it a little easier to pass, but I feel like it could still be better so we're still trying to get it all balanced out.

14 lb
18 lb
17 lb (liar!)

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