Monday, August 13, 2012

Liv's Birth VIDEO

Liv's Birth

My sweet friend Megan was at the birth so she could video it for me. She generously edited it to music also, so sweet! I finally got around to downloading it to You Tube so I could post it here on my blog. I love being able to watch it over and over!

Just a bit about the video... It's not edited, but I feel like it's pretty conservative. So watch at your own discretion bc clearly I don't care who sees it. (Thanks for the edited version Meg, but I hated missing any parts of it! Sorry!!)

Also, I'm sharing this with those who view my blog for many reasons. I want my friends and family who couldn't be there to get to share in one of my favorite moments of my life. And good thing we did video it bc my own husband didn't even make it to the birth :(

I'm also sharing it bc if I hadn't seen or read about a natural childbirth from someone else sharing their story with me, I may have missed out on this amazing experience. Many people have misconceptions about natural (unmedicated) childbirth. I hope someone else who watches this will learn that birth is not scary, it's not a reason to be medicated, and it's not something to be scheduled into your week, like a haircut. It's the healthiest birth for mom and baby. It is something to plan and prepare for (mentally and physically), and it's what God created us to do. Just as we plan and prepare for baby to come home, birth can be planned for. A lot of thought, concern, research, and practice went into preparing for this birth. I didn't want it to happen to me. I wanted to be in control so I could enjoy every moment before, during, and after the birth. And enjoy I did! I hope you enjoy it as well!!!

I posted the story of the birth after she was born. Here is a link if you missed it.
Livs Birth Story

*Everyone is entitled their own birth story and reasons for choosing their type of birth. After MUCH research, this is the birth I chose and God allowed me to have. I love you no matter what method you choose :)

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