Monday, July 12, 2010

1st Haircut: 3 months

After much debate between Jamie and I, we finally gave Beck his first haircut. It was more of a trim really, but still, a very big commitment for me! Jamie would have cut it off long ago! It was starting to look mulletish I would have to say. Last night we were hanging out with friends. Our friend Megan is a hairstylist and brought along her razor because she knew I'd been debating for a while. The time was right. With friends gathered and cameras blazin', we took the leap! Poor Beck was sleepy and didn't eat well with all the commotion, so he fussed through the hair cut. Megan took great care of him and did a super job! We basically trimmed the back of his neck and took some off the top in the back (which had grown longer than the front and stuck up straight because of how he slept on it). We gave him a clean cut faux-hawk, which is exactly what I'd dreamed of ever since I picked out his name. It seemed fitting! Anyway, the pics tell the story. Enjoy!

Afterwards Beck got together with his besties, Mason and Reed, for a photo shoot. Mason, a friendly guy, got a little too friendly! Hahaha!!! I happened to catch it on video. Too funny!

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