Saturday, August 9, 2014

Lo FIVE months

Lo FIVE months old

A sock was close by during a diaper change, so she grabbed it to have something to hold while she sucked her thumb.
Baby Wearin'
At the children's museum
She needed something to hold while she sucked her thumb... and Papaw's shirt was nearby :)
Chillin' at Smothers Park
This girl and her blankie. When I lay her down on her belly for bed, she reaches back her arms waiting for me to lay her blankie on her. As I lay it on her back, she grabs it, pulls it up to her face, and holds it while she sucks her thumb. Melts my heart every time. She loves to wrap up in it while she sleeps, whether in the car or stroller, or bed, it soothes her when she's sleepy.

these were taken when she was 6 months old. that's how crazy chaotic life was... sorry sweet girl.

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